Bocop 2.0.5

Well, it took a bit longer than expected, but Bocop 2.0.5 is out !
More precisely the linux version comes first, windows and mac will follow.

Note: when installing a new version of Bocop, the GUI will retain the settings from the previous version, such as the current problem loaded at startup. It will also point to the previous core package location, which may cause a version number warning. Just select the path to the new install when prompted. This message will occur only once.

Changelog info:

2017/02/06: bocop-2.0.5
– package: improved windows installer will automatically offer to install Cmake and MinGW.
It should also not require PATH edits or reboots anymore (the latter may depend on windows
– package: link to GUI added to desktop.
– package: root directory for Bocop package should now be properly set up after install.
– IO: float precision for .sol file set to 15 instead of 20 to avoid spurious digits.
– GUI: added red lines for bounds for state, control and algebraic variables in visualization tab.
– GUI: ‘Clean problem’ in Build&Run menu now checks for file existence, thus preventing
warnings for trying to remove missing files.
– GUI: ‘Save .sol as’ in visualization tab should now overwrite properly if confirmed.
– GUI: reverted bounds format (in .bounds file) for state variables from block (experimental)
to normal.
– GUI: fixed some mis-positionning between bounds and labels in .bounds file (this bug was
cosmetic only and had no impact).
– GUI: in starting point tab, Ymin and Ymax should now be updated according to the figure
(linear or spline interpolations).
– GUI: constants are now numbered from 0 to n-1 for consistency with c++ code.
– GUI: tab ‘Discretization’ was merged into ‘Definition’ (method and time steps).
– GUI: prompt for clean and rebuild if Cmake fails to build the executable.
– GUI: prompt for build if executable not present when launching the optimization.
– GUI: splitted some functions for better code clarity
– GUI: fixed bug in export function for algebraic variables (time stages).
– example/contrast added: contrast optimization in magnetic resonance imaging.
– example/swimmer added: optimal swimming for 3-link Purcell type micro-swimmer.
– example/jackson: reorganization of the different versions of the parameter identification.
– example/methane: renamed to bioreactor; fixed improper use of Tdouble variables
(initial_time, final_time) in call to function parametrizedcontrol (pathcond.tpp).
– example/stateconstraint3: removed some bounds that could make the problem unfeasible.
– core: option for iteration output was disabled for now for debugging.

Links are available on the Download page.

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